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[msg] 20161227 – Archangel Michael(中譯待補)

Message from Archangel Michael

I am Archangel Michael. Many, many others are magnifying the radiance of light to assist in the traumas that unfold through the darkness of fear and the pain of loss of trust and peace. Nothing is impossible in the way of evolving expression of Divine Intent, think on these things.

As a connection to all who are part of the raising of consciousness through the Network of Light there is a magnification of energy to help release the trouble and the drama of fear in the actions of change taking place. Have Faith that through these shifts of conditions there is a Divine Intent to help bring a level of balance into humanity’s conscious self and in all that is created to assist in the healing of what is destructive through the actions of anger, rage, fear, pain, misuse of power and a lack of greater good.

So in this moment the radiance of the Amethyst and the blending of the Scarlet Ray are also integrated with Divine Love. In this moment let the vibration of these rays connect with you and al that if a Part of your physical consciousness. As the Higher Self as you is responding to and receiving from that which is overseeing a healing of you, it is all in perfect order, for the Divine Activity of Spirit, Mind and Light.

The warring factors which have begun since the beginning of time, in the human experience of light. The challenge has always been to integrate a higher understanding, rather than being caught in the illusions of only the physical matter of life. It is very difficult for the human mind to truly grasp the higher realities of spirit. The human mind is combative and separated from its own higher Divine Being. It is often a barrier to all that would bring a greater joy in living. There is the negativity element that drives the egos into challenge and war and battle and denial of love.

So in this moment you are connecting to many, many souls as you who seek too revere and explore all that is a possibility of shifting the vibration of the human expression that constantly denies itself as a spiritual element.

So as I speak with the radiance of light coming through and the frequencies integrating within all of you think of these light rays as vibrations that are effective in releasing all of the doubts, all of the conditions that block the soul from its joy in living. Let Go. You cannot change humanity yet you can visualize and see that energy can be magnify in and through many sources that will alter the negativity in effect.

So as I speak for each and all, of this network of light, from all of the places in Planet Earth, we see a radiance of energy that magnifies and is surrounding the auric field of Earth. It’s incomprehensible for the human mind to see but the light is in motion, as in aura fields that is helping to transform what is the egos that denies a state of love. The more you sense and connect with others and the more you meditate in harmony with each other the greater there can resolution of things that have yet to be resolved. Time is your friend. It is not your enemy. Time brings you through what is a necessity that is in healing of your higher self intentions.

Now, we ask for a connection of all the many, many souls who see who believe, who intentionally are connected in ways to observe and to absolve the negativity that over shadows a sense of peace. Peace will come. It is inevitable, the process and project of moving through change is not determined by short periods of time but is a manifestation of shifts that integrate a higher understanding of light.

And now just perceive Earth with a magnetic field, of which the frequencies of Crimson comes through but it is also integrating with the Gold and Pink of the rays of transformation and it is in effect. Let yourselves be networkers connecting with many, many others and let resolution come through in its right time for each of you.

Within the next 48 hrs, each and all of you focus on a lifting of pain, the lifting of anger, the lifting of resentment, the lifting of loss, let be that waves of love and waves of Higher Consciousness move in and through all that is awakening to a higher state of spiritual understanding.

We ask that there be an incarnation of higher wisdom to connect to all who awaken too the light of all that is. Be at peace and may the light of the Christ be in and through you.
Taking a deep breath and trusting yourself, loving yourself without ‘if,’ ‘and,’ or ‘but.’

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