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[複合色光] [msg] 20151121 - Jove


Message from Jove


















Message from Jove

Walk with me along the river, a river that is a symbol of the flow of life, of the flow of consciousness. A river that represents the movements of wisdom, knowledge and understanding and peace that assists you in bringing to you a state of balance in what you do and who you are and what you are creating in your evolving state of spiritual understanding. I am Jove.

I have been known to be a source of guidance to many, many through the ages of time but in this moment I speak only in this simplistic way; what appears as the crisis’s of the behavior of humanity causing difficulties in every way, blocking freedom, denying love, breaking down all of the strengths that come from the trust in a higher Source as God’s will in human activity.

So as I am in this presence with you, perceive that you are amongst many, many, many others. We all gather together in a place of which we are totally surrounded with the natural sources of energy and light and the consciousness of living without the pain and angers and destructions of the darker side of Mind.

In this moment simply see the energy surrounding you, the energy connecting to you is the vibration of what lifts your body, lifts you mind, lifts your soul to a state of being in wellness, in wholeness, in love manifested from the Divine Energy of the Source. It is true; Source represents God, the Creator of All That Is. There is a creator of which all things have come forth and you are a part of what Creator created as an individualized it expression of mind and light and love. Accept beyond all doubt that you are being guided through your events of life to integrate the knowledge and the perfection that does exist as the Source of Divine Energy as Love and Light.

As I speak these words, think of your selves being a receptor as though light is pouring through you, as though your consciousness is being flooded with the vibration that transmits in you the guided thought of being in harmony, in balance, in wellness through joy, through celebration in the light. Know that the more you are seeing this the more it is moving through you, the more effective you are as a transmitter of thought, a transmitter of consciousness, a transmitter of the Light.

Perceive whatever appears as a course that blocks your hope that takes away your joy, that covers you in a sense of darkness, let it be that it is dissipating by the power of love overshadowing you. Now wherever you have experienced the anger of observing the connections of negativity, the more you are now releasing that to its own source and you are manifesting the light, the love, to your commitment to raise the stage of understanding to bring a balance into all who are open to receive, and it is so.

You cannot know who accepts, you cannot know who responds, you cannot always experience the effect of the light on those you do not know on those you have not yet met. But the more you see that energy is a resource of vibration that is in effect for a greater good, the more you are free from the anxiety system of being in lack and limitation, and in resource of negativity.

The teaching of the light is a part of each of you. The more you are receiving what is transmitted to you, the more you are becoming, awakens you the understanding that allows you to help others in their needs for understanding.

You need not fear that you are not enough, or you have not yet gained what you require. Know that you are a carrier of the knowledge; you are a divine being that chose in this time in life to be a guidance consciousness in helping others in their struggle of uncertainty. When you know that you are ready or sensitized to the light, there is no need to fear that you will be inundated to an effect, rather simply know the processing what is need of being cleared and you will rise above the challenge. So as I speak, the radiance of the wisdom light comes through and the frequency of this is manifesting in you. You fear tomorrow, you fear the future, you fear even today what is a crises. As I speak, let it be that what that fear has created is dissipating … the more you see it gone, the more you find the vibration of Wisdom and Strength.

Be patient. It is not easy to be in a waiting game for tomorrow, but if you accept today as a perfect in its own way, it will ease the uncertainty of what you have not yet experienced.

There is danger; yes there is a battle of wills devastating taking lives. Let go of being a part of this effect. Simply see in some reality there is a balance by the law of Cause and Effect.

And so let it be in this moment that your physical self is easing and releasing the strain and stress of anxiety, of pressure of unknown conditions and be open to the power in you to transform the conditions that fear has affected.

Now as I speak, everyone who is a part of you, a friend, one who is of family, one who is acquaintance of you in this moment we ask there to be a great pyramid of energy that all can enter into for a process of raising the vibration of body mind and soul. So as I speak, simply perceive that the energy source is a field of a pyramid of Light and it’s frequency are Gold, blue, and matters not at what level or position it is in, the frequency of the Light carries of itself all that is required to assist those in need … they are be lifted into a peaceful state of life. So whether it is your friend, your family, your parent, your child they are all being drawn into this experience of healing by light.

And we ask that the power of wisdom and knowledge and peace and the love of

Christ magnify to assist in their experience of this. And so it is.

In your meditative mind, you can visualize throughout the planet that you are carrier of wisdom, light and love and guided by a higher soul leading to what is right for your opportunity. Now we ask that there is a great movement calming the mind, calming the soul, calming the heart of all who seek a part of this activity. Be in calmness, wellness and strength of the will of the Higher Self.

There are many in this event with you. Some of you experience archangel Uriel with you, Andrew, Azreal and Jesus Christ and the image you accept as His presence. The power of love overshadows now assisting to be an impact in humanity. By the order of Melchizedek and the wisdom of the Higher Self let it is internally for all. And so it is. My presence will be with you and may others to. You will find yourself in a lighter state of mind in joy and celebrating who you are … walk in peace.

© A Course in Light
Taking a deep breath and trusting yourself, loving yourself without ‘if,’ ‘and,’ or ‘but.’

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