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[藍色之光] [msg] 20171110 – Jove

Message from Jove for Project Light

Message from Jove



我們很興奮關於這個Project Light(放射光)的想法,這個想法會激勵你的心,以帶給參與者在生活上更多的歡笑與喜悅。你的掙扎是你在道途上的障礙,把這些障礙當作帶給你力量的來源,並幫助你超越在心識上的負面意識。



在此刻,我們請求你釋放所有的恐懼 –– 對明天的恐懼,對過去的恐懼,對尚未發生之事的恐懼,以及對在這毀滅性的負面意識中所可能發生之事的恐懼。在此刻,讓你的心識專注在愛的力量上,專注在鴿子的翅膀上,它會帶給你內在和外在的平安。





這是Project Light的教導,將人類的振動頻率提升至較高的層面,釋放你所認為的失敗、煩惱和匱乏所帶來的震盪。現在,你正被那些走在這道路上的存在們所碰觸,他們也引導著你,這一切都與你本該要做的和諧一致。



Message from Jove for Project Light

Message from Jove

Walk with me. Remember you are being touched with the Wisdom Light which gives your heart and soul the ability to walk with joy in your heart, with song in your mind, with love guiding you and a release of all that appears of disorder. Walk with me and let us sit at the river as we did at times before. I am Jove, known as Lao-tzu.

I came as a up lifer to bring the joy of life into the heart of you and into that creates the laughter and the joy of living. You have walked with many burdens on your heart. You have walked with many struggles with resistance to the lightness of living with a joyful spirit. Life is not a battlefield unless it is in the mind of you. There is much joy that is expressed through all of the creativeness of you individually and collectively too.

We are most excited of this perception of Project Light. It is a mental thought that stimulates the heart of you to a participant in what is needed to bring greater laughter and joy in living life. The struggles come as obstacles in your path, they are meant to be a source to strengthen you and to help rise above what is the negativity that seeps into the mind of you.

As we sit here by the water let the lesson of what it is come through without water you would not exist. So, water becomes a necessity, a gift and yet it represents the mind as your thoughts like a river when the sun shines and brings a sense of lightness, a calmness and peace. When the clouds come and the winds blow and it roughens the area of the rivers exposure that is like the mountain that cannot handle the storminess of life.

Learn, the storm will pass, the darkness will become light. Heaviness will become light, it is in your mind that the suffering comes and continues in its struggle in you. As I speak in each of your heart and each of the soul and body of you, we are manifesting the power of the light that shines like the sun and warms the mind and heart and soul in you. As the light comes and lightness within you becomes less of a burden to yourself or to what is the exposure of your fear in you.

So, in this moment, we ask that there is a release of all fear, fear of tomorrow, fear of what was, fear of what has not happened and fear of what can be in this destructive negativity. In this moment let it be that the mind if focused on the power of love, on the wings of the Dove that comes as peace inwardly and outwardly.

In this moment let your vision begin to be expansive, begin to feel that in you whatever is projected in all that destructive consciousness. It is a matter of time before there is new consciousness, new development, new upliftment, new joys.

So, let it be that your mind like a river is letting the sun shine in such a way that you have forgotten what it is like, not to feel the joy within the heart of who you are. Love yourself, love your body, love your mind in its uplifted and expressive activity. Sing…. Play.… Live free…. Free yourself from what negativity wraps you in and it is so and it is so.

As I speak, the vibration of this is in motion. You are glorified, what does that mean, the Light of the Love of Christ, the light of the love of all beings magnifies in and through and raises the Light in you. Walk without fear and do not turn back and look at what challenges that kept you in the fear; rather say:

“I am all that I need to be and I am in harmony, I laugh, I love, I give, I release,
I am what I always have desired to become.”

This is the teaching for the Project Light, to raise vibrationally humanity to its greater state. Let go of what is projected as failures and the troubles and the turmoil’s of lack.

Now you are being touched with other beings that walk with this path and guide you through and it is all in harmony with what you are meant to do. I am Jove as Lao-tzu. Tomorrow your day begins with the raising of the heart and soul and so it is. Be the peace.

文章來源 : 2017/11/10  Toni 臉書
翻譯 : 老天使
Taking a deep breath and trusting yourself, loving yourself without ‘if,’ ‘and,’ or ‘but.’

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