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[無分類] [msg] 20180112 – 光的上師


來自 Toni Moltzan 的分享,關於Project Light究竟是什麼,以及它與光的課程的關係。因為最近正在看Project Light,簡單翻譯整合,希望對學光的人有些幫助。

Project Ligtht是在光的課程(ACIL)之後所帶來的訊息,它是一股協助光的工作者們與宇宙整合同工調頻,一起為地球揚升提供己力的能量。

Project Light所帶來的是為人類服務的想法和行動。



Project Light是一個計畫一個程序,它提供你們每個人接觸內在更高目標的可能性,使你成為源頭的思想、心靈、冥想、視野、洞察力的一部份。而光的課程則是這個過程的墊腳石,它幫助想要成長的人,整合、療癒與釋放。這是一個與更高自我整合的絕對方式,它包含著所有的真理。

Project Light is a movement for service for humanity, here are just a few thoughts taken from our message this week. The power of the Will is an individual experience and there are many whose wills have such power, but use it in a way that is blocking the flow of a higher consciousness. The energy of the Higher Source which is the part of your individual soul, is most important an exists and is a part of who you are and what you are expressing to those who are in the light. So, as I am speaking in this moment in time, the goal is to perceive that unity is an absolute. It is an intentional process that is of a Higher Source. But is in Jeopardy with many different factions that block the connection of acceptance of love and light and healing and the laws of a Higher Principle.

Project Light is a program that is put in the hands for each of you to be a part and source in contribution in thought, heart, meditation, insight and willingness to see and be in touch with that higher goal within you. The Course of light is the stepping stones, it is the path from which others grow and integrate a progress of release for healing and needs. It is an absolute form of integration with the Higher self and with all of the truth principles that have been presented.
Taking a deep breath and trusting yourself, loving yourself without ‘if,’ ‘and,’ or ‘but.’

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