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《ACIL NEWSLETTER》 2011.12 愛瑟瑞爾上師的訊息

From: Messages for Planet Earth.






地球,如你看到你的星球那般,正於最自然的狀態於它的軌道內旋轉,於一個持續集中的自身循環的意識裡。但在那已發生一定程度的轉變,在人類能量從過去移入生命的未來進展的時會變得更加劇烈。指向地球的這些頻率,是許多來自意識的較高組成的協助。這些頻率是強烈的且正試圖修補存在且環繞於地球的龍線(Ley Lines)如同你從人類體系中看見的。











Taking a deep breath and trusting yourself, loving yourself without ‘if,’ ‘and,’ or ‘but.’


From: Messages for Planet Earth.

Greetings this is Azreal,   

I am most pleased to speak with each and all of you. It is with great joy that we can assist in the processes of your evolution and bring to mind the understanding that lies deep in the heart of that which you exist in this plane of living.

Of the Council of Light, there are many. Of this particular council there are several, who wish to bring messages to this event. I of Azreal have been the assistant to Melchizedek in reference to the process of bringing transformation to the human system through the Way of Light. It has been an experiment to help bring the physical into alignment with the spiritual forces of your own essence. It has been a direct process of bringing many into alignment with the resources of healing. It is a journey that is without end. It is a journey that has begun to initiate many to the higher planes of spiritual evolution. We come with great joy and the joy is in the celebrating of things yet to be.

You are all on a journey of your individual living that is bringing you to points of becoming free from the conditions of your karma. For the karma that you have created as necessity to learn, is coming to its state of balance. The karma that has brought you back into the cycles of the physical system is coming to its own place of justice and balance. These are times of being brought to a place where you are living with intent of freeing yourself from the repetitions of your karmic wheel. This is the time of being freed from the many webs of your consciousness that have caught you in states of past essences of heaviness and fear. And the way through the karma is through the consciousness of transformation from which you can arise to a higher energy of being. All of this is in motion.

The earth, as you see it as your planet is revolving in its orbit in a most natural state and in a continuous centering of its own cycles of consciousness. But there has been a certain shift that is occurring and becomes more intensified as there are movements of the human energy that is moving out of the past into future evolutions of life.   There are frequencies that are being directed to the earth, which are assisted by many from the higher elements of consciousness. These frequencies are the intensities that are seeking to mend the Ley Lines in and around the earth as you see it from the human system.

Many of you have been in what is called; orders of spiritual conferences as you would call it. Working on the energy patterns that have been broken through the many, many, negativity’s arising to the higher planes. Many of you have been in commissions of call; meaning that you have been called to act as communicators, networkers and assistants in the path of Light; and you have been finding yourself in deep states of sleep where it appears that you are in another consciousness and working in other areas of being.

This is in a truism, for your inner self has been very much in alignment with the process of the earth’s transforming effect. It is difficult to observe from your physical ego the impact of the healing that is in motion. You are still seeing and hearing the communicative ways that speak of the more resistances of growth. You are still observing the many different ways in which human self is suppressed under blankets of rage, fear, denial and pain, under great heaviness of karmic patterning. Therefore, it is difficult to see the spark of Light that is radiating from the many who are awakening to the quickening of the soul. Yet, if you can see from the eye of your higher self, observe the many who are awakening, you will see great lights in and around the planet.

As has been spoken through others, the many lights of consciousness are beaming their rays to be recognized as those of a higher system of being. And so the work of your inner self has had its affect and you do not work in vain, nor do your thoughts and your spiritual visions become lost in a maze of nothingness.

You are important to the process and you are key consciousness in the system of healing. So do be aware that you have your place in these activities of Light, and you are working very intently to bring forward your own path of spiritual enlightenment.

As Azreal, I am the keeper of the soul records of the evolution of individual souls, group soul expression and ancient times of national, international soul conditions. The record’s state that the planet is ready for what is called the completion of many cycles of many life journeys, and yet it is not the end of the planet earth. It is not the closing of the door to human living. It is a change in the vibration of the earth, as we know it through your eyes, through the eyes of the Hierarchy and through the consciousness of the other planetary systems. It is an earth in of Light. It is an earthstar in need of awakening to alternate states of living. There is coming through you and through the many, alternatives to your patterns of living. There is coming to the earth new waves of which you will find yourselves important in the days that arrive.

For those who work from the heart to the mind of the soul will find themselves leading others in their trauma of misunderstanding and fear. To you who are seeking to express yourself as a teacher, healer, and facilitator and as a communicator, you are being prepared now as you move through the many different resistances surrounding you.  Be prepared to be the focus point of light to bring others to their plateau of consciousness in motion. So be open to what is in effect and do not fall into the sense of being without purpose, of being insignificant, of being without opportunity, of being without options.

The difficulties that are set into your path will change.  Be awakened to the consciousness of your inner strength. In the days that are in motion, we are sensing that as there are planetary alignments, you will begin to notice more and more frequencies being directed to you and your bodies will begin to find shifts in their structure. There will be times when the body seems to be very imbalanced, as through you are not stable. There will be moments when the physical seems to have been crushed by tremendous pressures and by certain pain. Yet, this is but a preparation for an opening and a movement to higher vibrations of your essence.

Eat lightly. Eat with a sense that your body is your temple, that your body is the temple that you are occupying and keep it in a state where it is more balanced. Look at your body, work within it and see it as a fine tuned instrument that is in need of being adjusted to the new wave of consciousness. You will begin to sense that you are  losing the appetite for things that were important in the past. You are beginning to recognize that to take notice of your body is to take responsibility for its wellness. It is not through the drugs of therapy that keep your body in its state of peace, but it is the mind and it is how you nurture your own consciousness that brings your into new strength.

As for healing, the healing part of the services that you will be rendering is in attunement to the direct teachings that are stemming from ancient past. Many of you as the healers will be finding that your third eye of the inner self is manifesting as a visionary tool. You will be finding yourself able to look into the body and discover within the body places and pockets by which you sense there is imbalance or accumulated energies that are most negative to its own senses of wellness.

Use your third eye and use your energy as resourceful to help bring that attunement into its state. There are great and beautiful opportunities that will be facilitated in this time of change. You ask for centers to function in, to educate your children and to bring into those centers the many who wish to develop their sense of alignment to their higher self. These are to arrive in the time of the late 90’s and begin to set the pattern for the age leading to the cycle into the changing generation.

All of this is motion. It is all being placed in your heart, in your soul, in that which you are as a being. It is all being directed to initiate you into a changing order of your own conscious life. It is the time to celebrate and not a time to fear. It is a time to dance, not a time to be in paralysis. It is a time to open to the consciousness of love rather than to stand in the emptiness of fear. And through the money of what you have relied on for your wellness of living begins to shift, it is not the shift of the monetary system that is your pain. It is the fear of loss of the familiar that becomes your detriment to consciousness self. So recognize the shift is in motion and the experiences are set into effect and you are key beings that are here to initiate the movement into its fulfillment.
Taking a deep breath and trusting yourself, loving yourself without ‘if,’ ‘and,’ or ‘but.’


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