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[Book 9] The Nine Fears | 九種恐懼

"The Nine Fears"

New Orleans, Louisiana/ Lyon, France-March & April 2002
~ Kryon Book Nine: The New Beginning ~

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There's a sweet energy that is pouring into this place, an energy of those in an entourage of love. They are brothers and sisters who have no beginning or ending, just like you. As they pour into this place, we will again reflect: Could it be that something like this is real? Is it possible within the Human experience that God could talk to humanity so directly, with so much compassion, with succinct messages of love and hope? Could it be that the voice that's being heard at this moment-the one that's been heard all day long and now has another energy combined with it... could speak for Spirit? Could it be?

We give you this reminder: Everywhere on Earth, scripture was given to you in this manner. The most profound information and prophecies that have ever been given to you have been passed from Human Being to Human Being. Think back. None of the angels who have come forward in the history of Earth actually wrote the scriptures! No. Instead they gave messages to the Humans, who wrote down the words that later became recognized as divine.

All of the love, all of the counsel, and all of the wisdom has been given Human to Human. That's the way it was, and it remains this way today. You gather here at this time, perhaps to hear teachings, or words of wisdom. You come to participate in the energy within this room. Yet you know, don't you, that the core of who you are is as divine as anything that you can imagine?

Some of you might say, "Well, I would like to come back and experience this again. A profound energy develops in a place like this." Again, we say this: It's never necessary to come back to a meeting like this to gain spiritual energy! For you have this same energy when you're alone. We've spoken about this before, and we will speak of it again, even this evening. But before we start the teachings, we wish to remind you who's here. It's no accident that finds you sitting in the chair, dear one, listening or reading. Regardless of what you think about all of the messages of this day, or the personalities [speaking of the Kryon conference and the lectures of the day], we now invite you to feel the energy of a very loving family. Spirit pours into this place and covers you with love.

There's a sweetness here that's so sweet that it's thick! Some of you here will feel "pressed upon." Some of you will feel your hands being held, and some of you will feel your feet being washed. Although we often speak in metaphors, we say that this is real. It's real for us, and it's real for you. It's where the multidimensional meets your reality, the 4D. That's what makes it so special.

The duality of humanism is where the challenge is. You see, we have no duality at all. We come into a place of this kind, with your permission, touching each one of you, knowing you by name. We remember the last time we saw you. There's no duality strong enough to keep us apart. That's why we flow in so freely and so easily, and that's why we can "touch" you. That's why we invite you to feel the touch of Spirit. The Human Being has free choice, you know. You have the choice to sit here and say, "This can't be real," or you can also say to yourself, perhaps, just perhaps, "It is."

For the last 11 years, while the grids have been shifting, we've been giving you information, filling places just like this over and over with love. We've broached information that has now become commonplace. We've given you information on the way things work; we've talked of your physics; we've talked of the energy lattice that hides; we've spoken of calibration to another dimension; and we gave you information about the world and how things might happen. We told you how you had changed your reality-just in time for the physicists to tell you that all matter has a choice to change reality! Some of the things that we discussed early on with you sounded so odd and so strange and so unbelievable...yet now many of these same concepts are being brought to you from your own scientists! They've told you that time doesn't exist, and that there are many dimensions within your own body material. They've discovered faster-than-light attributes and reverse-time anomalies. Now, here you sit with the unbelievable being common...with spiritual concepts being accepted as science. Here you sit in a new world!

Tonight we wish to give you teachings about a subject that you need to hear. It's one we seldom speak of...but now we can. The energy is different now. There's an understanding and a wisdom that hasn't been here before. It's a wisdom that's becoming interdimensional, allowing humanity to start thinking out of that "box" where it's been for so long. Humans are starting to see things in a more tolerant light, in a different light.

It's a new reality track, and within this new track, free choice is still the operative system and always will be. We've discussed ascension with you. We've discussed becoming a lighthouse with you. We've discussed work with you. Now, we're going to give you a concept that perhaps in the past would not have been understandable. For suddenly, even within your science and what was given to you today in lecture, we're broaching the subject of Human power. You call it consciousness. We've always called it power. We're going to speak of dark and light again.

We've given similar kinds of messages before, even one called, "Dark and Light." So this one will be about "Shades of Light." To further qualify it, we should say that we're going to speak about the shades of fear-that is, an explanation of nine elements that make up common Human fear.

Now, this isn't a message that will depress anyone. This is an uplifting teaching, but we will talk about fear. For, dear Human Being, now you're beginning to understand what fear is and also what causes it. In order for you to understand fear, we must first speak of light. I'm going to give you some information that may seem unbelievable at this moment: If you go to the darkest places on this planet, places you would never, ever want to visit, to the lowest consciousness possible, the unbalanced of the unbalanced, you're going to find Human Beings exercising free choice. The energy that these Humans have chosen is simply a shade of light being produced…a shade of balance.

Dark is the absence of a brighter light. There are many shades of light, but from the brightest to the darkest, we're here to tell you that all of the Human experience-all of it-is created by Humans in a free-choice atmosphere. Therefore, as we've said before, it's a choice of the Human experience to bring the planet to a sense of balance. What is the mid-shade of light, you might ask? Of the whole spectrum of light, where is "normal" supposed to be for Planet Earth? It is this shift in the "normal" that has brought you out of the Armageddon and into the energy where you sit at this very moment. Therefore, the answer is that this mid-shade, or average middle point, has shifted to a higher shade.

You are family, and you are eternal. You've come here by free choice, and all of you can develop whatever energy you please. This, after all, is the test, isn't it? And here is the message tonight...nine attributes of fear that you should see. It's an exposition, a revelation that the Human Being can create any shade of light or dark it wishes. Some of the things that you're most afraid of...you will find that you're responsible for! You, and no one else. This is information that perhaps will fly in the face of the doctrine that you've studied, or of some of the "boxes of thought" that you have come out of, which are profoundly spiritual.

So, please listen. We'd like to tell you about nine attributes of fear. As we go through each one, we're going to show you where they come from, and how they can be transmuted into light.

Seed Fear: A Review

The first is a review. We gave you this information 12 years ago, and it's still here. It's an energy that surges in the very veins of your being-the interdimensional layers of DNA of your body. The layers of the DNA carry this, and it's prevalent in this room and in those reading this! It's called the seed fear.

So many of you came into this particular lifetime with feelings and attributes of a "searcher." And here you sit in a place that reflects your choice. Some of you found very early on that you weren't comfortable with the explanations of spirituality. You weren't a joiner. You didn't do things the way you were "supposed" to. So you developed your own spiritual philosophy, and many of you sit here because you've claimed the power of a Human to find his or her own divinity. You know where your core is; you know where the prophet is; you know where the book is. These spiritual elements that every religion on Earth has are all inside you. You're exercising the integrity of "peeling the onion" of duality until you find your own spiritual core and use it. You know that inside, there's honesty, appropriateness, integrity, manifestation, and joy. You're a Lightworker.

Perhaps that's you? If so, we can tell you that you've gone through this awakening before, but not all of you realize it. Some of you are awakening only now to these philosophies and have walked into this room perhaps not even knowing that there would be a channelling! Yet something brought you here, didn't it? An accident, perhaps? Let me tell you about you: You've been through this before! This isn't the first time you've awakened. Does it feel familiar? Does it ring true? I'm talking to the monks and the nuns and the shamans and the medicine men and women. I'm talking about those who died at the stake for it! I'm talking about those who spent their lives doing practically nothing but spiritual work. I'm talking of those who sacrificed everything for it...and here you are again.

The feelings of this planet are now moving into an energy that you only personally experienced before-one that was sacred and wise-an energy that is worshipful, whose truth belongs to the shamans. Yet here it is for the masses! You're hearing the very "secrets of the mystery schools" revealed on your everyday bookshelves-and many of you are afraid!

It's the seed fear. Some of you want to put this knowledge on the shelf and forget it. Even now, some of you in this group before me are wondering, "How long is this channelling going to last? I'm not going to listen to this. I don't want this information." I'll tell you why, because you've been there and you've done it, and when you did, you suffered for it. Some of you lost your lives for it. It wasn't pleasant-not at all. And here it is again, and you feel it at the cellular level. Many of you silently decided years ago not to "pick up the mantle." You decided that it wasn't necessary this time to follow a spiritual path. Well, I have news…that fence you sit on, where you "know" the truth but don't wish to speak about it...is being torn down. You'll have to face it eventually.

The seed fear is the fear of enlightenment, the fear of peeling that onion of duality. It's the fear of "finding the prophet inside." And that's the truth. What we say to you about this fear is that it's a false one. It's given to you to keep you constantly wondering what's real and what's not. It's often responsible for the very fence you're on. The joke is that you're an actual angel of God! Yet there you sit wondering if any of this is true. We know your names, you know. I'm not talking about the names that you came in with. I'm talking about your eternal name. I'm talking about the ones we sing in light when we see you each time you return. We know what you've been through, and who you really are. All this is hidden from you while you sit there on that fence.

Some of you carry within you the DNA layers of your own body, memories of becoming enlightened, which then generate the four-dimensional fear that you're "doing it again." It's different this time, dear one; it's different. This time will not bring calamity, or a personal catastrophe. This time will not bring needless death. This time around is the reason you came! All the lives you led up to this point helped create this new energy. Let me ask you this, dear Human Being: Does it make sense to you that you would elect to be born on this planet with the potential of Armageddon that looms so large? What's wrong with you that you would be here at this dangerous time? Can you see yourself standing in line on the other side of the veil, waiting to return? Perhaps you said to the angel next to you: "I can hardly wait to get back to Earth. I'm going to live through hell, be squashed like a bug, be burned alive, with all my children with me. Let's go!" Does this make any sense to you? Yet here you are.

It's for this very reason that some who don't understand the love of God feel that being a Human must be some sort of punishment! You have to ask yourself at some point: "Why did I come back, knowing that this was the time when all the prophecies would converge to create Armageddon?" We say it's because there was part of you that knew that in reality, change could happen. Because at the cellular level, you knew how things work! You knew that you had the power to change it, and you did. Now you sit in the new Earth with a promise of new energy, one that is seemingly tearing itself apart with change at the moment, bringing down the old foundation so that it can rebuild on level ground.

If this is you, then be aware...you trained for this. This energy has your name on it, and it's finally time that you claimed it.

For Women

There are other fears that are common to humanity, and two of them are mentioned next. We bring them here to this enlightened group because we know they exist with you, too. They come in with the duality, and they surge through the veins of all Human Beings. They're present in the DNA, within the interdimensional layers, and they're part of the humanism that's given to you.

Women, you have a fear. Well, let sister Kryon talk to you! So many women are afraid of being abandoned. This fear is present all the time. Oh, not for all of you, but for so many of you that it should be mentioned. You have to look at what that fear is about. Abandonment by whom? "Other Humans," you might say. Really? Well, I have some information for you. Do you know what the soulmate is? Do you know what the twin flame is? You live all your lives for that one person who will satisfy you, who will always be there, who will never abandon you. You want to fall in love with this energy. Does it exist? Could it exist? You may be happy in a relationship, but deep down you wonder whether you missed it. Did you miss finding the "real" one?

Now I will tell you something that we've revealed before: You're not all here. You knew that, didn't you? I mean by this that what you think is you as you look in the mirror…is not. It's a piece and a part-the four-dimensional part of you-the part that walks in duality. There's another part of you that's apart from you-around you all the time. You call it the Higher-Self. There are pieces and parts of you that are even within your own energy! You're not all here. There are pieces and parts of you on the other side of the veil-parts beyond what you can see, doing things that you can't even imagine. This is all part of the plan of support for your free will and your free choice. Now, let me tell you this: The energy of the twin flame, the soulmate, is the profound desire of every single Human Being to fall in love with the other pieces of you and join together. It is a spiritual quest, you know, and it always has spiritual overtones when you think of it, does it not?

When that marriage is complete at an interdimensional level, you have calibrated yourself. It's a meld through the energy of what we've called the universal cosmic lattice that reaches through the veil and touches the hand of you, a piece of God. Once you do that, dear Human Being, in this new energy, that handshake remains solid. You have just met another piece of you, a piece that will never go away, a piece that you can be in love with, a piece that will never abandon you ever! You will never be alone-never.

You can walk this planet and never have another thought about abandonment, for it's impossible! The energies that really matter are holding your hand, and they always will. That creates a balanced Human Being, without fear. So you realize that this fear is not of missing some hidden opportunity with another Human, but something that's always available through you. And that's the truth. That was the second fear.

For Men

For the men in the room, brother Kryon wishes to speak to you. Number three is the fear of failure. In this particular culture, it's paramount. You have your own expectations, your culture's expectations, your family's expectations-they all expect you to succeed. That's presented in a linear fashion, by the way.

How do you know what failure is? You're too goal oriented! Men, listen: There are many careers to be had. There are many success stories, and they all lie on top of each other in a now time frame. Yet you can't see that. What you consider to be failure oftentimes will bring you to your knees...so you can get on with the work you came here for!

When you walk around thinking that perhaps you failed, or you're afraid of something that may be happening in your life that may cause you to fail, we're telling you that perhaps, just perhaps, it's leading you to a place that you actually asked to be in! Perhaps it's leading to a crossroad where you can finally take something inappropriate and move past it-moving to something else-which is why you really came. All the time your heart is being churned up, saying, "I'm failing, I'm failing," But it's not the case. There are so many of you men in this room who have given intent to follow a path, but you consider it progressive-leading and graduating to something of your own linear design. You don't see the beauty of the timing of it all, and you don't understand that in an interdimensional way, you don't need to learn one thing before another. Sometimes what you think is stupid now will later become the core! Don't judge yourself or mark a scorecard. Instead, celebrate the exact place you're in now.

You know what? This is also related to fear number seven [in a moment]! To me, all nine attributes are happening simultaneously. Now, when we get to number seven, you're going to see how this relates. Oddly enough, when you add them together [3+7] you get a "one," which stands for the energy of beginning. It's all interrelated, you know. All nine of these fears are presented to you in a circle. Go ahead...add 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9. The answer, when reduced, will show you the "circle of the nines."

Men, are you listening? Not all things are as they seem. What you consider in your four-dimensionality as a path, as a goal, or as success, may only be the start of something else. There are things you don't know. There are things that are going to be revealed to you as you walk the path in your linear way. So, don't judge yourself. Stand before Spirit and say, "Tell me what it is I need to know." Can you celebrate where you are in your life no matter what's happening? Can you reach your hand up and claim that all is appropriate? Can you say, "I am divine"? Blessed is the Human Being who understands this, for this is the one who also understands that the calibration to the lattice brings success and manifestation in the eyes of God. Then who is it you think you've failed? This fear is a Human setup, and is voided with spiritual understanding.

Another point: Did you try things along the way and discard them when they didn't work? Did you throw them away, thinking that the energy back then didn't produce anything from your efforts? Do you remember the "clock of Spirit"? It's timeless. Never tell yourself that what you did or tried in your past won't work now or in your future. Think of all the time you spent! Perhaps it's time to revisit some of those things. Perhaps they didn't work then, but might now. Get out of the linear time frame!

Numbers four, five, and six all have a common theme; they're related, believe it or not. We're starting to get into the shades of light. We're starting to expose some of the things that you normally don't talk about.

First, be clear on what we're telling you. Humanity creates whatever shade of light it wishes. Human Beings create the energy they wish with the co-creative power that's theirs. All Human Beings can go to the darkest or lightest places imaginable and start creating with whatever shades they wish. And they will be able to manifest dark power if desired. Yes, it's true. Did you think for a moment that the power of Human consciousness would only be restricted to those things that are light? The answer is no, not in free choice. It can be any shade. It might take more of them to create darkness, but indeed, it's done all the time, and has been the way much of your planet has been shaped. The old paradigm has mass consciousness enslaved in fear-enhancing the power of the dark.

The choice of humanity to begin with was to decide what "normal" would be-what energy would be on the planet what vibratory rate the planet would settle into through history...culminating with your present millennium. That's why you sit in this place in history, which no one could imagine. So number four is fear of self.

Fear of Self

Now, fear of self is not a seed fear at all. This is very four-dimensional. There is a part and a piece of you that knows ever so well that you could create darkness if you chose to. You're afraid to go there because you think perhaps you'll do it!

There are some of you here in this room who have had a situation where you've gone into a place of depression. You've seen it up close. You know what the countenance is and the horror of what it does to the rest of the brain. You know what the thinking and the thoughts are in that place, and you know what it feels like. Having been there, you're afraid to go there again. This is fear of self. This is not for all of you, but there are certainly enough of you, including some who are reading this right now. The realization that the Human is powerful in all the shades of light and dark often creates a fear that you might go into the darkness and stay there...fear of self.

Some of you may say, "Well, that's not me." Perhaps, but again, surging through your DNA there's the option to choose any part of a light scenario you wish...darkest to lightest. Some of you who have come from places that are dark know what that is like. You never want to visit those places again. And that's what I'm talking about.

Here is your hope: The Human spirit will not stay stuck in any place where there's intent to change it. There's no force working against you...but you. You may be sick or depressed for a time, but never will your consciousness remain in a state that isn't the one you wish it to be. Even in the darkest depression, there's a part of you that's yelling, "This is not me." This thought alone will slowly bring you back. Sometimes lighthouses shut down for repair. Sometimes they need a rest. But they're always lighthouses, placed in areas to help others find their paths. Even when the lighthouse is dark, it knows what its purpose is.

Fear of the Dark Side

Now we get to the area called "fear of the dark side." We're going to give you information right now...something that you've always known intuitively: There's no such thing as the dark side.

All through your Human history, in all of your cultures, Humans have assigned darkness and its energy to another entity or another power. The teaching goes that this other power is one that wants to come up and grab you and pull you down! All through your childhood, you feared the monsters and other entities that were "out to get you." Some wish you to think that a soul that's not believing a specific way is going to be captured by dark entities, or that you're always in danger of being possessed. That's not the way of it, and it never was.

Humans create their own dark side. Humans have power in the light, and they also have power in the dark. Let me be specific. Some have asked, "Kryon, is it possible for Human Beings to take a shade that's so dark that they could create darkness around someone else?" The answer is yes! Let me give you an example: What happens when you're trying to find your way through a dimly lit room? Suddenly even the smallest amount of light that's been helping you vanishes. You freeze. What if this path you're searching for is your lifeline? You become afraid. You can't move. Without any light, suddenly you wonder what else might be in there with you! You start hearing things. Fear begins to possess you. Look at what has happened. They simply turned off the light. But you created the fear that enables fear to flourish.

Is there a group of Humans from another place that has sent darkness into your area? Yes. They have always been able to do that. Doesn't that make sense, dear Human Being, that you would have free choice to choose dark or light? Doesn't it make sense that Human consciousness would not be limited to simply sending light? But here's what we also have to remind you-it's a review of sorts.

The story we just told you may seem to be frightening, unless of course the person in the dark place had an extra light. You see, there's no equality within the shades of light. Each one of them has an energy of its own. You can manifest any shade you wish, but the shade you manifest has an energy specific to itself. Long ago we gave you the information that light is active and dark is passive. The shades have vastly different energy! When you're in a dark room and you open the door, dark does not leak out! Instead, light flows in. What does that tell you about the power of light? A higher vibrational shade is more active and more powerful. It takes less of it to generate a specific energy. It takes more Humans to create a lower shade than a higher one.

If you take a totally dark room filled with people and you have one Lightworker who enters it, the whole room illuminates! For those of you who are afraid of the dark side, I will say this: The only reason you're afraid is because you've never understood the power of the energy you carry to build a lighthouse. You can stand in the middle of the darkest scenario anywhere. You can have those around you-dozens and dozens of them-trying to create dark around you, yet one enlightened Human Being will void all the darkness!

And you wonder why we're excited? Because that shade of "normal" for the planet these last two years has just ratcheted up an entire notch! You love to create plateaus in your three-dimensional linear thinking, so we'll just help you with it and say this: Collectively, this planet has decided to lift up what it thinks is normal to another shade of light. That's why we're here today, and that's why the grid is being adjusted.

The difference between dark and light and the average thereof, has become higher than it's ever been. The ones who continue to try and create darkness are having a harder and harder time finding places where there's no light. Do you understand? Every single entity that has ever come to you from across the veil has given you this information! You're enabled, dear ones, to create whatever shade you wish. There used to be a time when almost everything had a dark side...so dark that secrets would hide for centuries. Noticed anything different lately about secrets and conspiracies? They don't remain for long in this energy! You think all the revelations you're seeing are just a coincidence? The highest levels are being examined, and the secrets aren't sticking to any dark area. They can't, since you're shining the light there! It's happening in politics, business...even at the level of leaders of countries. Responsibility is now the issue. There's no hiding anymore. What does that tell you about light and dark-and balance on your planet?

Fear of Other Entities

Number six is related, isn't it? Fear of actual entities. Many wish to assign darkness to an entity. Many are afraid of anything that's outside of 4D. No matter what it is, if it walks through a wall, it must be evil. Don't you understand that this is the core of who you are? You are interdimensional! Do you know the reason that you're not all in a body? If you were, the laws of four-dimensional physics wouldn't work for you. Multidimensionality is your natural state, as you might recall. It's only because you volunteered to have it reduced and hidden from you by your duality that you think you're only 4D. Remember, every divine angel who has ever appeared before you has said the words "Fear not." For the divine entities on the planet are well aware that Human Beings tend to fear what they don't understand.

There are some of you who fear dark-side entities. The truth is that there's no such thing! Oh, there would be those here who would argue. They would say, "I've seen this or that." I will tell you that this is a projection that a Human Being has put upon you-or perhaps a Human with the help of others standing silently behind. It's fear enhanced by your own fear, in cooperation with them. Can fear manifest magic? Yes, if you cooperate with it. It can show you anything it wants to, since there's no light for you to see the truth. What does this mean? It means that you can actually help those who wish to send you darkness if you will "buy into" the fact that they can do it. If you turn off the lights willingly, they'll all be there, and any show you want can project on that dark screen. The dance that you'll perform in the dark has many faces, and they're all very frightening. That's your choice. But this is what you should know: It's all Human, all the time, no matter what face you think it has. And that's the truth.

There are many who fear what's going on today-right now. They would say, "There's an entity named Kryon, one who has possessed a person, and he's speaking through that person at this meeting." Let me tell you, that's not what's taking place today. What are you feeling now? Is it fear or safety? Can an entity that is family fool your heart continually year after year? Are you that weak? No. Instead, there's a meld going on-one of love-a Higher-Self and a brother, a sister, giving you messages of love from the other side of the veil. And what do we say to do with it? We ask you to discern for yourself. We always hand the decision to you. Does that sound like a trick? Does it sound like we have an agenda? Our only agenda is to increase your awareness and love, then we retreat and let the Human do the rest-some trick.

It's time to remember the light that you hold and what has happened on this planet. You move from place to place-you vibrate higher, yet you don't even know it. The issue was broached today that some of you walk in dark places and you don't like it. You have difficulty with it, and you pray for it to be removed. You think of it as inappropriate, and you think you're just "marking time" until God answers your prayer. Again, we tell you that maybe the places you go to work, or even the places you go home to, need that light you carry. Are you listening? What if you are the only light there?

That is the work, Lightworker! And you'll never know how you might have touched a person when you were standing next to them. You'll never know how those around you benefited by being next to the lighthouse that has your face. The lighthouse sits there all night long in the dark, rotating and rotating and rotating so that the skipper of the ship can steer into a safe harbor. The skipper never meets the lighthouse keepers-never knows their names or who they are. Yet you want to fear the energy of the entity that is you. You fear the entity that is Kryon. There's a big dichotomy here. We're celebrating your light at the same time you're fearing the dark. How 4D of you! And that was number six.

Fear of Not Finding Your Path

Number seven relates to number three, as I indicated earlier. It's the fear of not finding your path. Oh, listen to me! You walk inside a sphere. You think you're on a straight line, but you're not. This path of yours is not straight. You think that you do one thing after another, and you place them in a two-dimensional row. You wonder about the future, and you consider the past, but you never see them together. Some have asked, "Kryon, when am I going to find my path?" Some of you are sitting in it!

It's exactly why you came, yet you constantly look to the future and say, "Well, maybe later, maybe in the future I'll find it." You walk on the inside of a sphere-that means that at an interdimensional level, you can see all the paths you ever walked and ever will walk just by looking around. They're all together! It's just like your idea of success and failure. It's the wise Human Being that understands that not all is as it seems-that there's more.

When are you going to find your path, you ask? What if the lighthouse thought this way? "Well, nobody has called me lately to thank me for shining my light. I haven't had any skippers of any ships tell me they were thankful I was here, too. I think I'll turn off my light and leave. Time to move on. I'll keep searching for what I'm supposed to do."

Is that what you really want? The fear of not finding your path is related to the seed fear, too. It's also related to number three, the fear of failure. It's very linear, so we give you this information again: Celebrate where you are, every minute of every day! Piled on top of what you consider a linear time are all the "nows." It's difficult to explain interdimensionality to a single-digit dimensional Human Being. But we see you differently than you do. If we could only give you that brilliance and show you what you've done...and what you're going to do!

It's not what you see in the mirror, dear Human Being. It goes way beyond that. That's why we love you the way we do. You literally walk around without being able to see what's around you. And this takes courage. That was number seven.

Fear of Disease

There are still those among you who are enlightened, yet who say, "You know, it's out there, don't you? And it's going to get me! I've got a friend. It got him. It's going to get me! The disease is out there!"

This is not so. Listen to this: It doesn't matter how predisposed you are genetically to get a disease. No matter what you were told in an old energy about the way things work, the bigger picture was not seen. Throw away all of the old biological explanations and accept the new way that things work!

Through Human consciousness, you can talk to cellular structure; you can renew it; you can enhance it; you can awaken it, you can heal it; you can clean it. You can even talk to the disease. Earlier this day, the question was put: "Biologically, what are you made of?" And the answer was water. What is disease made of? The answer is water. Then it was shown to you that Human consciousness can profoundly change water! Did you draw the logic from this? The same consciousness that can change crystal patterns in a jar of water that sits in front of you is the same consciousness that can greatly change water in a Human Being-your cellular structure. No matter what you've been told. And that's the truth.

If you wish to sit in fear, you may do so, and that's free choice. If you wish to do the opposite and celebrate where you are and where you're going and what might happen, that creates light. Then you start to laugh at the fear and realize what a joke it is. Blessed is the Human who understands that there's no limit to the influence you have over your own cellular structure! It's the new way of things, and the yogis and shamans of old showed it to you. Now it's your turn! And that was number eight.

Fear of the Future

Here is the final one-we've saved it till last-number nine. The energy of the nine is well known. Nine is completion. The energy of eleven and nine? The energy of the eleven is the energy you sit within. It is a master number that represents a new Earth. The energy of the nine is all around you. It is the jar that eleven sits in. It's completion of the old-completion of an old paradigm, an old energy. And yet as you sit here with all this before you, which is so grand in its scope and its potential, you fear the future.

"Kryon," you ask, "what will happen? That last event took us by surprise! Is there another one like that one on the horizon? What are we to do?" Let me point out something that perhaps some of you have not really seen fully: Have you noticed the soothsayers coming out of the woodwork lately? They do that, you know. They follow fear. Did you notice that there weren't very many of them before the eleven-nine event? But after that, even six months later, they're all around you! They feed on your fear, you know. They're here willing to enhance it if you let them, with scenarios that will create even more fear. These are the ones who want to drag that "above-normal" energy you worked on so hard, back to the way it was. They want that shade of light and dark to become what it used to be. That's the difference between the old and the new, dear ones. Those are the ones who will be left behind.

Remember our teachings so long ago? You can't take energy to a less-aware state. You can't willingly "unknown" anything. The earth cannot "unknown" its enlightened state. The earth cannot "un-invent" what has taken place in the last few months. Yet the fearmongers will try, and they will tell you all manner of things to watch out for: "Be fearful!" they will say. Then they'll give you dates and times in advance of your doom. Planets are coming to smash into you...asteroids will get you...alignments of astronomical influences will destroy Earth. Of course, nothing will happen, but many won't realize it, and they'll ask for new dates of doom and gloom-being addicted to the energy of fear. Look back. Their messages never changed from the ones 1,000 years ago. Isn't it time to move on?

If you go along with it, however, your light is diminished. Do I have proof of such a thing-that there are more of them today than yesterday? No, I do not. But let me give you something to ponder: Where were they on September 10? The answer? Still lurking under their fear rocks...inventing false things to fear-and they missed the big one. What I'm telling you is this, that it was the manifestation of something frightening to you that allowed them to do what they're doing now-being listened to. Some are very well aware of this. What does it mean to you? It means that nothing has changed regarding your power and the battle before you. It's just that everyone may now see it. The battle really has begun.

Earth is now going through something we told you it might: awareness. A battle between the old and the new is now part of your current events! Decisions about getting off the fence are before you. Where do you stand? There's an issue that no one even talked about a little while ago: What do you consider to be "normal" in civilization? We brought you these exact questions in 1999, and to many of you back then, it was just "interesting." Perhaps now it might be worth another look?

You sit in the energy of a new reality track without any prophecy. It's wide open. Along come the soothsayers to create a fear scenario for you. They're here, just as they should be, to present you the choice between dark and light. But you know something they don't-the grand potential! Oh, how many years have we said to you that the potential is "The New Jerusalem"? And you thought that was some kind of mysterious or historic phrase? Look at your news! What do you think that it means now?

You've heard it over and over from Kryon and those before Kryon: Jerusalem is not just a city in Israel. It's also the metaphor for an Earth solving the unsolvable, and moving to a level that was unexpected. It's the rebuilding, for the third time, of a temple of consciousness. It is a new planet-a new Earth.

There are many metaphors in this, and we say to you: Don't be afraid of a future that you, Lightworker, are controlling and manifesting. You're the ones who aborted the Armageddon; you're the ones who are seeing the 11-11 on the clocks; you're the ones who are hugging Spirit right now-creating the light of the world.

The nine are complete. The entourage realizes that it will not be long before it's going to go back through the crack in the veil, which a moment ago they came through. The invitation has been open for you to feel them next to you, around you, moving through you, pressing upon you in various areas and ways. In this message of the nine fears has been the invitation to marry the Higher-Self, to fall in love with that part of you that is divine, to calibrate, and to celebrate the future.

The message of Kryon is one of hope, isn't it? Yes. The message of Kryon is one of enhancement, isn't it? Yes, it is. But it's not actually a "Kryon" message! Instead, it's a Human message, giving four-dimensional Human Beings their own message of an interdimensional Human future. It's your message! It hides so convincingly. That's why we're here.

No matter what you're facing in life, when you stand up in a moment and exit this place, the invitation is to leave this place differently from how you came in, with a new awareness of how things work...the potentials of how things might be working. Even if you believed nothing of what you heard, perhaps you're now at least ready to ask questions on your own. Investigate the truth of what's been said. Try out the energy-even pray and meditate. When you do that, you create compassion, and that creates an "energy handshake," the beginning of the process of calibration.

And so it is that in these few minutes, we've visited family, and we've had a reunion. We've enhanced what you already know. Many are "peeling the onion of duality." Oh, there are other words for it, too. One is "remembering." So you might say that for these moments, we've been here to enhance your own memory of who you really are. And that's the way it is. Did you notice which fear was not in the nine? It was "fear of death." Why? Because intuitively, Humans do not fear going home.

So the entourage picks up its bowls of tears-tears of joy it used to wash your feet, and it's exiting back to the crack in the veil where it came from-to that place you call home. In the process, we celebrate you; we celebrate the event; we celebrate the energy of this place, and we celebrate the family. We know you all very well-all of you.

Just before we leave, again we would like to remind all the Humans in the room, the family members, the angels...you are never alone-never. And so it is.

Taking a deep breath and trusting yourself, loving yourself without ‘if,’ ‘and,’ or ‘but.’

"The Nine Fears"

New Orleans, Louisiana/ Lyon, France-March & April 2002
~ Kryon Book Nine: The New Beginning ~
























































































Taking a deep breath and trusting yourself, loving yourself without ‘if,’ ‘and,’ or ‘but.’


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