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《ACIL NEWSLETTER》 2012.01 安德魯上師的訊息

Message from Andrew














Q:  關於馬雅曆法

A:  有著更加邏輯、合理與科學的看法是將其視為馬雅人靈性之路的看法。這曆法是透過智者述說的且僅是一個時代之完成的紀錄,那是預知進入人類力量之提升階段以活在和平中。在人類思維的每一個面向裡都一直有著爭論,爭論是人類心識的自然狀態,但這些人經由傳統作法的古老途徑得知於他們真實自我的心裡的一個故事那有著新的世界、新的意識,以及代表轉化與改變進入2012的新符號。




Taking a deep breath and trusting yourself, loving yourself without ‘if,’ ‘and,’ or ‘but.’


Message from Andrew

It is good to speak, I wish you to know as Andrew I have come to assist in this understanding of change that is taking place. With me is White Eagle, Ariel/Uriel and others for they know the message we bring is meant to touch many who are open to receive. We wish you to know that you have always been the Mind that seeks to understand and to know what is in store for humanity, for the earth and for the next stage of humanities’ expression.

You have a very inquiring Mind and you have learned the lessons of the light in such a way that your own perceptions gathers insight to bring a recognition to understand what is hidden from many others.

The pineal gland of your own brain mind is extremely active. Often you have thoughts that come to you that are very relating to the deeper symbols and meanings of the sacred geometry of spirit, mind and light. In the tools of the light you have recognized the wisdom and insights that apply to every frequency that you have integrated and you understand that the cycle of life is often dominated by the frequencies of which you have learned and practiced through A Course in Light.

The past year the dominance of the energy was the awakening of the Kundalini fire to stimulate the desire to bring change into effect. It also was the stimulation of what causes the misuse of power and the misuse of egos whom have caused great harm in society or the collective consciousness of humanity. The Kundalini energy is not dissipating it is still very vibrant and very intense. For lessons are still in process of becoming freed from the inversion of the Higher Will. “The Kundalini Fire energy is related to the Scarlet Ray and symbolically is associated with the Dragon fire of light.”

The year 2012 you are now a part of begins a new stage, but it also is the year of completing a time period of lessons that have been dominating growth, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and psychically.

Those who have walked in the path of enlightenment and all others who are part of a spiritual perspective of bringing a new world into a actualized experience, are going through deep cleansings, in their bodies, in their minds and in their soul system. Many throughout the planet have taken the steps to go through the lessons and initiations of becoming free from the illusions of human thinking.

You see this, you acknowledge it, you recognize this is true, but alongside of those who are struggling to free themselves from the illusions, many others are creating the illusions and causing great deceit in human thinking. So the polarity between the dark and the light co- exist, the consciousness of those who only see the need for control of power over humanity are walking against those who seek the freedom of their own soul, body and mind to experience a full reconciliation to their higher self. So you sense in the now there is a lack of stability, a lack of grounding the insight and the lack of knowing how to practically apply the meditative lessons of light.   

Well this is the year when the practicality of the meditative state will become more expressed, that the actuality of being able to integrate Divine Love will be more receptive to a greater number of people. You are one of the higher beings that already have envisioned a need for many to grasp wisdom, truth, light and love. You do not preach to others, but you simply recognize that you can bring a sense of calmness when others are in the anxiety and fear. You receive insight from all around the planet for what is causing great stresses in human existence. You have a strong vision of seeing the work of the Order of Melchizedek becoming more recognized by those who have walked in their difficulties and blinded by the illusions of others. So on an earthly level, there is turmoil deep within the nature of humanity, there are many groups rebelling against their freedom being taken away. There are many rebelling against a few who hold all the power and wealth in their hands, and do not distribute to others to care for their needs. You are seeing that those who live without resources are put in difficult stages that appear unfair to the human spirit.

Do not judge what is not fully revealed, there are reasons why some live with lack, there are karmic reasons why the struggle can be so difficult, but the truth is also connecting with their heart and soul if they open to the receptivity of Divine Love.

The grounding of this is symbolic of what you recognize as the Black Power Ray. It is keeping the feet on the ground, but letting the mind of spirit be the resource to nurture the thoughts and the body so that it can be fulfilled with Grace and Light of Christ.

We see 2012, not as a fearful stage, but an excitement of breaking through the patterns of the past.  There is much, upheaval and turmoil causing a confusion in many, but you have a clear Mind and many others are joining as you to focus on the power of Peace being stronger than the conditions of war.  You stated a long time ago that peace will come, because they will not be able to finance the wars.   The struggle of the power of these sources is still in battle on many levels, but we of the OOM see that there can be a true human evolution that will rise up out of these old patterns that have tenuously continued to destroy the sense of Love and Peace.

So you will not see extreme changes but you will recognize subtly that more and more people are focused on living their life as though they are spiritual beings in a human experience. So now if you have questions, we are willing to see and to give insight to any questions.

Q:  About the Maya Calender
A:  There are those who have a more logical, reasonable and scientific perception of what is truly recognized as the perceptions of the Mayan Spiritual Path.  The calendar is spoken through wise ones and simply is a record of a completion of an Age that was foreseen as entering into a heightened stage of humanities’ ability to live in peace.  There have always been controversies in every facet of human thinking, controversy is a natural state of the human mind, but there are those who know in the heart of who they are that they have come through an ancient path of traditional procedures that all tell the story that there is a new world, a new consciousness, a new symbol that will represent the shift and change into 2012.  

Astrologically there are evidences of many signs of the planet’s aligning and moving through the Milky Way and perhaps entering into a Cosmic Event that would be effecting the earth, but we do not see earth moving on its axis or loosing it’s magnetic field or becoming in a reversal stage, Much of the human body and human thinking will be touched by vibrations and light and the Crystalline Energy will be the overseeing vibration to restore sanity, peace,  awakening and uplifting into a higher state of being.

So though fear is the most under current perception, it is not a direct path that we see taking place. Understand there is no true predictions that can be forecasted, for all is dependent on all the consciousness of the collective expression of Human Thinking.

Continue to send the message, continue to hold the truth and bring the light to many, and continue to simply understand that regardless of what the aspect of change may present, it is all for the purpose of bringing humanity to the next step of their evolving self and awakening to the Light of Christ, the overseeing consciousness of Divine Love.  

For the planet and all humanity we are bringing the message of this Higher Self through the ascended masters of consciousness. I of Andrew oversee that there is a new intensity of awakening to many, and now I close for this session.
Taking a deep breath and trusting yourself, loving yourself without ‘if,’ ‘and,’ or ‘but.’


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